Friday, May 18, 2012

[5in5] Day 5: Bless You and Keep You

This one was written as a huge group effort.  Props to Dennis Jamison, Michelle Jamison, Shelden Jamison, Molly Jamison, Autumn Bedore, and Keira Luntsford (that's me! :)

May the Lord bless you and keep you
Let his face shine on you
And be gracious  unto you
Let his countenance shine through you
And give you peace

May His presence rain upon you
May you know His grace
Would that you would know his glory
As you see His face

He is ever faithful.  He is always there.

Jesus.  Immanuel. Prince of Peace. Mighty God.


  1. Beautiful! Great job everyone!

  2. What a great benediction to end the 5in5. Loved the living room choir.

  3. My wife Michelle also helped in the writing and recording of this song! It was really fun to do...

  4. Oh No!! I thought I had added her! Yes Michelle Jamison helped too!! Editing the top to include her!

  5. Beautiful song. Beautiful people.
